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Photo gallery of both 1st and 2nd Bn Royal Scots Fusiliers 

Pre- war the 1st Bn served in Palestine, they inlcuded many of the men who went to France and Belgium with the 2nd Bn.
These photo's give us a great insight into the men who fought along the Ypres-Comines canal in 1940. 
With thanks to Brian Casey, Helen Harwood and Major Wilmot.
Windy Corner convoy duty palestine 1938
water carriers Palestine 1938
Water car palestine 1938
unknown Arab or is a fusilier
under attack from Arabs - palestine 1938
training car palestine 1938
training car palestine 1938 b
train wrecked in Palestine
training car palestine 1938 a
Shanghai 193-
pre palestine deployment
postcard of Jerusalem
Port Said 1RSF 1938
Palestine barracks
Palestine barracks with sandbags
palestine barracks 1938
palestine 1938
palestine 1938 j
palestine 1938 i
palestine 1938 h
palestine 1938 g
palestine 1938 f
palestine 1938 e
palestine 1938 d
palestine 1938 c
palestine 1938 b
Napier Barracks
palestine 1938 a
outpost palestine 1938
Mount Olympus
looking for crabs Port Said 1938
HQ coy 1RSF palestine 1938
high jinx in Palestine 1938
Haifa showing mount Carmel
Cpl Wilkie's Motley Crew
Cpl Wilkie's Motley Crew looking for crabs
Empress of Britian transporting the Bn back to Blighty
Cpl Wilkie's Motley Crew 12
Cpl Wilkie's Motley Crew 11
Cpl Wilkie's Motley Crew 10
Cpl Wilkie's Motley Crew 9
Cpl Wilkie's Motley Crew 8
Cpl Wilkie's Motley Crew 7
Cpl Wilkie's Motley Crew 6
Cpl Wilkie's Motley Crew 5
Cpl Wilkie's Motley Crew 4
Cpl Wilkie's Motley Crew 2
Cpl Wilkie's Motley Crew 3
Cpl Wilkie's Mates
Cpl Wilkie's Mates 4
bed head decoration
pipers 1936
Fus Muir and Fus Syme
2RSF Training at Dentlands 1939
Battalion transport 1937
2RSF Training at Dentlands 1939
2RSF Training at Dentlands 1939
2RSF Training at Dentlands 1939
2RSF Training at Dentlands 1939
2RSF Training at Dentlands 1939
2RSF Training at Dentlands 1939
1939 brigade training course
2RSF Training at Dentlands 1939
1 platoon 1st RSF 1936
1st Bn on the range
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