When the battalion left for France in October 1939, not every platoon was commanded by an Officer, some were led by WOIII Platoon Serjeant Majors.
If you read through some of their personal diaries, the younger officers attended the same basic training as the men. (See Lt. Kempthorne's diary) but afterwards settled into a more privileged lifestyle.
There seemed to be little offensive or tactical training given and many of their platoons were really run by the SNCO's.
When in March, the War Office decided to replace the WOIII's with very young and inexperienced officers many battalions found a way to keep their PSM's in the field to help mentor them.
When the battalion went into action at Arras and finally at the Ypres-Comines canal, they were a mixture of old WW1 commanders, those who served in Paltestine and the just graduated boys like McIntosh.
Whatever their background, when their backs were against the wall, they did what was asked and fought to the last.
These are the officers of the 2nd battalion in May 1940.
Commanding Officer Wounded and Captured
OC 14 Platoon
2i/c of the battalion Captured
Adjutant Wounded, Captured and Escaped
Intelligence Officer Killed 27th May 1940
OC Fighting Patrol Killed 27th May 1940
OC A Company Wounded and evacuated (Arras)
OC B Company Wounded and Captured
2i/c B Company Wounded and Captured
OC C Company Captured
2i/c C Company Wounded, Captured and Re-patriated
OC D Company Captured

2i/c D Company Captured

OC HQ Company Captured

OC 8 Platoon Killed 27th May 140

OC 9 Platoon Captured

OC 10 Platoon Captured

OC 12 Platoon Captured

OC 13 Platoon Captured

OC 15 Platoon Wounded and Evacuated

OC 17 Platoon Captured

Signals Officer OC 1 Platoon Killed 28th May 1940

OC Carrier Platoon Killed 28th May 1940

2i/c Carrier Platoon Evacuated Sick 15/05/1940

QuarterMaster Escaped through Dunkirk

Motor Transport Officer Escaped through Dunkirk

Assistant Motor Transport Officer Wounded and Evacuated

Replacement Officer 27th May Captured

17 Bde Liason Officer Escaped through Dunkirk

17 Bde Anti Tank Company Escaped through Dunkirk

5th Division Liason Officer Escaped through Dunkirk