With the original rolls destroyed in 1940 and those that were recreated after Dunkirk burnt in an accidental fire at the HHQ in the 1980's, the list of those of the 2nd Battalion who served along the Ypres-Comines canal is difficult to say the least.
Through official War diaries, medal roles and transcripts, personal diaries, letters, rememberences, photos and other means I have tried to re-create a list of names that I believe were involved in the action along the canal over the 26th - 29th May 1940.
The last known list of Officers (20/05/1940) and numbers of men (12/05/1940) were created and sent back to the UK with the war diaries.
You have to remember that many of the battalion were then injured during that battle of Arras, replacements arrived, a good number were attached to other units and many were doing their "stint" in the Infrantry Brigade Depots when the Germans invaded and may never have reached the 2nd Battalion before it was asked to stand again in this corner of the Ypres countryside.
It is by no means definative and I am corrected one way or another frequently, but without access to the personal service records of every member of the regiment, I can but deduce from what information I have.
The three buttons above take you firstly to the men I beleive were there in 1940 and secondly to my entire directory with some notes on what happened to them and why I have made my assumptions.
If you have anything to add, please get in contact.